Women of color file discrimination lawsuit against The Feedfeed

Photo: Jesse Dittmar for The Washington Post

Two women have filed a federal discrimination lawsuit against thefeedfeed, painting the company as one that tolerated casual racism and sexism. Rachel Grujar, an immigrant woman from India, and Sahara Henry-Bohoskey, a Black woman who was raised in Japan, allege in the lawsuit that women of color were paid less and verbally abused.

In one incident, Editorial and Test Kitchen Director Jake Cohen said to several staffers, “Oh my god, I am so scared I am going to get the coronavirus because I have so many crazy rich Asians living in my building who keep getting packages from Korea and China!” Cohen says he regrets making the “crazy rich Asians” comment and that “he invoked the movie title because Asian travelers were coming through his apartment lobby, he said, and he was scared,” according to The Washington Post.

Rachel and Sahara are so brave for speaking out, even after being told to be grateful for having a job. White America needs to stop telling immigrants and POC to “be grateful.” It’s because of people like Rachel and Sahara that change happens and the workplace is improved for everyone.

You can read additional statements from Rachel Gurjar and Sahara Bohoskey on their own profiles. I hope you’ll show both of them the support they deserve.

Wei Tsay

Founder & Editor


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