Very Asian

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Manny Jacinto and Steven Yeun are Hollywood’s new leading men; both have been cast as the love interest in upcoming films

Is Hollywood (gasp) falling in love with Asian men? 

✨ Manny Jacinto will play Lindsay Lohan’s husband in the upcoming film, ‘Freakier Friday,’ the sequel to ‘Freaky Friday.’

"Manny plays Lindsay's husband, but that's as much as we can say," Jamie Lee Curtis told EW. "Manny is lovely, so funny," Lindsay Lohan added. 

✨ Steven Yeun will star opposite Kristen Stewart as her love interest in ‘Love Me.’ 

“When you collaborate with Kristen and Steven, you pretty quickly realize that they care more about the art than they do about their personas,” the film’s director, Andy Zuchero said in an interview with Variety. “They care more about the impact on culture than the impact on themselves. They’re fearless and hardworking artists who are willing to be completely vulnerable in the service of art, which is unique.”

Both films are set for a 2025 release.